
Run for Your Life + Dead Island Riptide + Alison Haislip = Happy Happy

By the by… looks like Run for Your Life is looking for Canadian registrants. Who knows? Might actually get one up in Vancouver finally…

Edit- Whoops. Looks like WordPress isn’t liking the embed.  Go to the link here.

The Stalking Dead @ The Cellar

The Stalking Dead- Sin Peaks Presents

Watched this at the The Cellar last night.

Sin Peaks- An ongoing Comedic Soap Opera Improv group (actually, it’s a little difficult finding info on them. Their webpage has them still performing a different theme at the Waldorf from last year) that is currently playing every night downtown at the Cellar.

Completely improvised, the show consists of short vignettes featuring the cast of a Zombie Apocalypse Soap Opera. I’d say more, but honestly, I don’t want to ruin the surprise. It’s a helluva lotta fun.

Admission is only 10 bucks and the bar runs a few good drink specials ($3.75 Pilsners!). They’re apparently only running with this theme for the next 3 Mondays. After that, they’ll be going with a Mobster Soap theme.

Highly recommend. Go support some Vancouver talent. What else are you going to do on a Monday night?